The online pharmacy industry is still young and is still evolving in our country. Only a handful of pharmacies have adopted the online approach and even few have been successful at making a business out of it. This leaves behind a lot of opportunities for young companies to explore the market and to easy become one of the best in what they do.

The Top three apps for the Indian market are Netmeds[1], Medlife[2] and MedPlus[3]. These three companies each of these companies has somewhere between 500,000 - 1,000,000 downloads each on the Android app store, with the exception of Netmeds having somewhere above 5,000,000+ downloads. All of them offer somewhat identical services and features, with MedPlus offering doctor consultations along with medicines and requiring you to submit the original medicine order rather than uploading a copy.

Such a large number of downloads is indicative of the large size of the market. Much of the user base is still unexplored. There are a large number of people who would love to use online pharmacies, but are not able to do so because of the limited options available to them, or because the applications available do not cater to their needs.

In remote or local areas away from the main city, apps such as the ones that are available, do not service due to a lack of infrastructure there. This is advantageous to local pharmacies in those regions who already have the infrastructure set up. They can take advantage of this lack of competition and use it to their benefit.

Apart from this, there is still a lot of opportunities to have online pharmacies even in cities where existing apps provide services. Out of the millions of people buying medicine in the country every day, there is only a small portion of them that use apps to do so. The remaining population still buys medicine the old fashioned way and this is an opportunity for pharmacies to seize.

So if you are a local pharmacy that wants to expand their business and cater to a larger customer base. If you want to be the best in your field and want customers coming back for more. Then contact EMedStore and we’ll help you become one of the top names on the Online Pharma list. And read What and Why EMedStore.





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